As the summer has come for me (well, it's been here for three weeks), I've come to the conclusion that sitting in the house on the computer and/or making videos and/or reading isn't the best thing to do, so I have gotten back into the swing of exercising (as I did nothing apart from walking and running to and from classes and the dining hall and the union at college) and I thought that I'd also keep track of it here. Why not? Please note that this isn't an effort to lose weight or get in shape or increase my endurance. ... Well, it kinda helps with all of those ... but it's not my main goal.
Today's activity: Bicycling
Duration: ~ 15 minutes
Location: The street (You think I'm going to give my street name out? Hell no!)
Distance: 6 or 7 laps (Unsure of the actual distance. I'll check later.)
I'm Slowing Turning Into You (The White Stripes)
June (This is Ivy League) (The song isn't on the player on their MySpace page, but it's available on their EP which is available on their record label's page ... which can't be accessed for some reason or another.)
Everybody Lies (Matt Berger and Melissa Lusk) (You can get this and the other tracks from the album inspired by The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had To by Derrick Comedy's D.C. Pierson.)
Wrap it Up (Whitey)
Until next ride/walk/set of reps!
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