Thursday, September 17, 2009

College Check-in: Weeks 2 and 3 ... and other news, too

  • Cinema: We had a lesson on how to operate a MiniDV camcorder and a tripod. *snore* Filmed and presented my 1st project. The reception seemed good. I'll see if I can get it up within the next few weeks.
  • English: Finished a novel called Cruddy. It was ... cruddy. The world's longest fictional suicide note. Read Sandman: The Dream Hunters (which I read the day I got in in the mail) and discussed some of it in class.
  • Journalism: Not much, really. Just reading. And a current events quiz.
  • Music: I love this class. We were clapping along to "Rock and Roll" the other day. We've been discussing beats, syncopation, etc., simple music stuff, but it's still very cool.
  • Games: I've played Beatles Rock Band twice ... well, on two days. It is very fun and very challenging (on drums, that is).
  • TV: I caught some of Sanctuary the other day. Cool show. I might tune in if I can catch up. I caught Warehouse 13 the other night and I love the concept. So far, I've caught 3 other episodes. I will definitely tune in. As for my regular shows, I have 2 episodes of Glee to catch up on. And I'll probably catch Supernatural online and watch Fringe live on Thursdays.
  • Reading: Graphic novel-wise, I've been reading a lot of Transmetropolitan and Runaways. Fantastic stuff. I also started reading a little of Planetary. All these are at the recommendation of friends. And I greatly trust these friends.
  • Music: Hrm ... perhaps Passion Pit. I auditioned their new CD at the station recently. Cool stuff. Also, I started taking ukulele lessons and might get my own ukulele in the coming months.
  • Clubs/extracurricular: Checked out the Aikido and Kung Fu GIMs. I'll have to see if I can make a practice or two here and there. Also checked out the Film Club GIM the other day. I must say that I'm very excited! We're hoping to get out 2 feature length films during this school year (2 semesters). I hope to be involved in some way, shape, or form (acting, directing, editing, cinematography). We shall see. And I have had 2 Op-Ed articles in one of the campus papers. They can be viewed here and here.
  • The webs: I might be taking short breaks here and there on Dailybooth to make it to 365 pics on my 1 year DB anniversary. I am taking over for Jess on Thursdays on The Nerd Project. *happy dance* I got a reply from John Noble during the Fringe Tweet-peat. *MAJOR happy dance* The question was about his favorite case from the 1st season.
  • Writings: My two Op-Eds linked above and an Amanda Palmer short story viewable here. It's the second one in the post.
  • Mail: Yes! Mail! What a wondrous thing! Over the summer and into the fall, I've begun correspondence with a bunch of Youtube and Dailybooth friends (including Dawn, Miranda, Ally, and Josh) and I'm loving it!
  • Relationships: ... Maybe something? We shall see. ... ;)
Well, I think that that's about it. Stay tuned to my Youtube, Twitter, and Dailybooth for more updates, etc.! I should be back here soon! Oh, and I'll hopefully have my first radio show this Sunday from 2 PM to 4 PM EST. Check this Twitter for updates!

TTYL, TTFN, be seeing you, and allons-y!

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