Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mother's Day

Today (or within a few hours) is Mother's Day in the US! But hey, why is there just one day to honor mothers? Shouldn't we honor them all year around, instead of splurging on them one day a year by buying them a card, roses, candy, and taking them out for a fancy dinner?
But hey, they're our mothers ... and mothers-in-law. Give them the best day of the year.
And while I'm at it, here are two awesome Mother's Day links from Boing-Boing and McSweeney's.
Happy Mother's Day.

I'm Back!

Hey there! Long time, so see, huh?
Yeah, I've been busy, finishing up the semester and all. Things are cooling down. Just about done with things here. Still have a final and a paper that I'm co-writing.
What's up with you? Been good? Got any major summer plans?
Currently, my only definite plan is to see They Might Be Giants at the end of the month with a friend from here (here being college). I'm so excited! It's a small venue, so it should be a blast.
The semester was even better than it could've been, thanks in part to my radio show. You can check out all the playlists and the podcasts on my radio show blog as well as follow my radio persona on Twitter. There will be more awesome shows next semester. I have an awesome show idea that I hope can be pulled off. You'll just have to wait and see what it is.
Well, that's all from me on this end. I'll see you on the other side.

Be seeing you.
